Senin, 29 November 2010

What Are the Benefits of Goat's Milk & Goat Soap?

What Are the Benefits of Goat's Milk & Goat Soap?
Milk from dairy goats is a nutritious, popular beverage around the globe. While Americans are more familiar with cow's milk, goat's milk is one of the most common drinks for young childrenworld wide. Goat's milk is also added to soap and skin care products for its rich emollient properties. Drinking goat's milk and using goat's milk soap conveys many natural benefits to both health and appearance.

Goat's milk is more easily digested and less prone to triggering allergies than cow's milk, which means it is frequentlya positive choice for infants and young children who show signs of intolerance to cow's milk, according to pediatric physician William Sears, health columnistfor Parenting magazine. Goat's milk has fewer allergenic proteins than cow's milk and contains less lactose. The fat in goat's milk is also more easily broken down in the intestines, Dr. Sears advises. Goat's milk is also a potentially more digestible option for adults with allergies to cow's milk. Anti-inflammatory oligosaccharides help make goat's milk easier to digest for people with compromised intestinal function, according to The World's Healthiest Foods, and informational website of the George Mateljan Foundation, a non-profit health advocacy organization.
Goat's milk is nutritious, containing calcium, protein, phosphorous, riboflavin, potassium , tryptophan, and other vital nutrients and micronutrients.Drinking goat's milk also helps facilitate absorption of the nutritive minerals iron and copper, according to The World's Healthiest Foods. Calcium helps improvebone strength, and plays a positive rolein many other necessary physiological functions. Calcium, such as that found in goat's milk, also boosts the body's ability to burn fat and protects against metabolic syndrome and breast cancer. The potassium in goat's milk helps maintain healthful cardiovascular function, protection against high blood pressure , atherosclerosis and stroke, while riboflavin bolsters the body's energy production.
Gentle Emollient Soap
Goat's milk soaps deliver the nutrients of goat's milk straight to the skin, and offer many benefits to skin's appearance and health. Most goat's milk soaps are either handmade or made in small batches, avoiding the harsh chemicals contained in commercialsoap bars. Goat's milk soaps contain richemollients and vitamins to moisturize and nourish the skin, according to New England Grown, a webzine of New England food and agriculture culture and products. Goat's milk soap containscapric-capryllic triglycerides, which are luxuriously effective in moisturizing skin, and goat's milk soap's gentle natural ingredients are beneficial to people with skin sensitivities or excema. Many farm-made goat's milk soaps also contain oatmeal, flowers, or natural lanolin, which further enhance the soap's skin-softening properties.
The World's Healthiest Foods: Milk, Goat
New England Grown: Why Goat Milk Soap?
Parenting: Ask Dr. Sears--Advantages ofGaot's Milk
Cindy Ellen Hill

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